The Beauty
of Botox
and Fillers
For an appointment, contactWAesthetics at 6570 2528. #08-42
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, 329563, waesthetics.com
Less is more
Fillers are best used in moderation, however, “Where ageing and sagging is
significantly advanced, using a lot of filler will not produce a harmonious outcome;
the patient risks looking bloated.” says Dr Wong.
The right treatment for you depends on your specific concerns, and what you
want to achieve, he says. “After a certain age, and if you’re looking for profound
rejuvenation, a composite facelift is your best avenue. You simply won’t get significant
results from injectables, or from radiofrequency, laser and other minimally invasive
The message to take home? Non-invasive modalities do help, but there are other
effective options, too.