Once scars have formed, treatment is
more difficult; it involves the use of ablative
lasers (for example, CO2 fractional lasers)
or non-ablative lasers. These could be
combined with minor surgery to remove
deep scarring.
The treatment prescribed depends on the
type and severity of the acne.
Topical treatment:
- Benzoyl peroxide (a topical antiseptic).
- Salicylic acid (also present in a number of
cleansing products).
- Topical antibiotics such as clindamycin or
erythromycin, or a combination of these
with benzoyl peroxide or with a steroid
- Topical treatment is also prescribed to
treat residual scarring. This may consist of
chemicals such as vitamin C, hydroquinone
and azelaic acid.
Oral treatment is the first remedy for mild to
moderate acne, and consists of antibiotics
such as the tetracycline group or erythromycin.
More severe cases could warrant the use
of oral isotretinoin or oral contraceptives.
In addition, you could try lasers or light
therapy (IPL, blue light or red light) to target
acne-causing bacteria, red marks, sebum
production and scarring.
To make an appointment, contact Ang Skin at 6353
3851. #06-51 Block D, Mount Alvernia Medical Centre,
820 Thomson Road. angskin.com.sg
Excess sebum can block the oil glands, producing blackheads,
or whiteheads that are also called comedones.
Bacteria situated within the hair follicle beneath the sebum
blockage release chemicals that act upon the sebum, breaking
it down and in the process releasing other chemicals.
These chemical reactions result in inflammation and redness,
producing those classic red bumps (clinically known as papules
and pustules).
Acne Scarring
“In some individuals,” says Dr Ang, “this reaction is so severe that
it gives rise to bigger lesions that we call nodules and cysts – these
are the type that can give rise to scarring, be it sunken scars, pits
or hardened, raised swellings.”
In less severe cases, acne leaves red or brown pigmented marks
that, he says, understandably still cause distress for many patients.
The main goal of most clinical acne treatment should be to
prevent these scars from developing in the first place.
When should you take action?
It’s better to treat acne earlier rather than later – it would be a
mistake these days to wait to “outgrow” bad skin. Considering
the number of treatments available, there is no need to suffer
in silence.
“It’s better
to treat acne
earlier rather
than later – it
would be a
mistake these
days to wait
to outgrow
bad skin. “