Whichever brushes you prefer, here’s how to protect your investment
by keeping them bacteria-free.
Cleaning Up
• If your brushes have
a metal band on them,
do not get this area wet – it can lead to
rusting that could eventually destroy your brush!
• If your brushes start to feel a bit stiff or prickly over time,
try massaging a tiny bit of hair conditioner into the bristles
and rinsing them in warm water. Dry them flat to bring back
that soft, luxurious feel.
Add a drop of shampoo to half
a cup of lukewarm water.
Swirl your brush around in
the cup.
You may have to
rinse the brush and
repeat the technique
a few times to clean
all the old makeup
off your brush.
If you feel it needs
something more,
t r y swi r l i ng t he
bristles on a bar
of soap or adding
more shampoo to
create a lather;
then rinse well.
Once you think
the brush is clean,
gently squeeze out
the excess water
and dry it flat on
a clean towel for
at least two or
three hours.
Spray brush-cleaner on to a tissue
and sweep the brush back and
forth to remove the makeup.
Quick clean
Sephora Brush Cleaner, $10.
Deep clean
(for extra dirty brushes!)