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antibiotics, but they are likely to be either

caged or free-range. “Certified organic

eggs” means the hens are free-roaming,

have access to outdoors and are fed an

organic diet.

Are organic foods truly more

nutritious than non-organic foods?

This question remains controversial, as

some studies have shown organic foods

to be more nutritious than non-organic,

while other studies have shown similar

health benefits for both. What is very

clear, however, is that non-organic foods

have much higher pesticide, growth

hormone and antibiotic residues than

organic foods. It is widely thought that

these chemical residues, taken over

a lifetime, even in small amounts at a

time, may be a key contributor to the

development of cancers and other

chronic degenerative diseases.

Often, there are more antioxidant

compounds in organic produce than in

conventional produce, but the rest of the

nutritional profile is similar.

It’s really important for children,

pregnant and lactating women to eat

organic foods, and also for cancer

patients, who are likely to be more

affected by pesticide and hormonal


Why is organic more expensive

than non-organic?

Organic agriculture is more expensive

than conventional agriculture, because

more labour is often required, farms are

generally smaller and not subsidised

by government schemes, and the

certification process can be expensive

for farmers.

So, if I can’t afford to buy only

organic products, which are the

key food items to purchase?

The “dirty dozen” is a term used by the

Environmental Working Group (EWG) to

describe produce most contaminated

with pesticides. It includes apples,

celery, strawberries, sweet bell peppers,

lettuce, cherry tomatoes, potatoes,

hot peppers, nectarines and peaches,

grapes, cucumbers and kale and collard

greens. These are the cases where it’s

most useful to buy organic.

Is all soymilk organic?

Most soymilk is, in fact, not organic. This

is a concern since a large percentage of

the soy crops worldwide are genetically

modified organisms (GMOs), and the

true health impact of such organisms is

currently unknown and hotly debated.

To ensure that the soymilk we consume

is non-GMO, it’s important for a soymilk

brand tocarry either the “non-GMOProject

Verified Seal” or an official “organic” seal.

Why doesn’t Singapore have

organic certified products?

Singapore is unable to get a real organic

certification logo because of the density

of its air traffic at relatively low altitudes.

Due to the island’s small size, airplanes

landing in Changi and at military sites

fly over the whole island, depositing

pollutants in the atmosphere and on

potential agricultural sites.

Some farmers, like Zenxin Organic

for example, are as close to “organic”

as we can get here in Singapore.

“Freedom Eggs”, from hens raised in

Singapore, are not far from being true

organic eggs, as the hens aren’t caged

or given hormones or antibiotics in their

feed. All truly organic products found in

Singapore, however, come from abroad.

Thailand is the closest country with a

reliable organic certification logo.


Organic rice cracker



Organic lemon


Mash a ripe avocado with a dash

of fresh lemon juice and spread it

generouslyonanorganic ricecracker

(each cracker uses approximately

one quarter of an avocado). Sprinkle

with pomegranate seeds and enjoy.

For more sensible snack ideas,





Looking for a new and healthy way

to satisfy your snack attack?



, a holistic women’s wellness

centre in Singapore which offers

fitness classes, personal training

and nutritional guidance, recently

challenged its members to share

some of their best ideas for snacks

containing up to 200 calories. With

just four simple ingredients, this

one – courtesy of South African

expat BELINDA ARAUJO – is easy

to make and bursts with fresh,

summer flavours.

The “Clean Fifteen”

The EWG devised this list of 15

items likely to contain the least

amount of pesticide, when grown

either conventionally or organically.

These are your safest bets.

• Asparagus

• Avocado

• Cabbage

• Cantaloupe

• Eggplant

• Grapefruit

• Kiwi fruit

• Mangos

• Mushrooms

• Onions

• Papaya

• Pineapple

• Sweet corn

• Sweet peas (frozen)

• Sweet potatoes