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y favourite East Coast

drinking fountain – the one

near Changi Sailing Club –

wasn’t working this Sunday

morning. Blazing from a blue sky, the

sun delivered its usual 33°C (real feel

44°, said Luckily,

having to run three or four kilometres to

the next water point isn’t a problem. We

can thank evolution for bodies that are

perfectly designed to run in the heat –

and on much smaller amounts of water

than previously thought.

In our regular running column, we share favourite routes and talk about

shoes, gadgets, treadmills, nutrition, racing, hashing, children’s running

and more. This month, VERNE MAREE taps into the water debate.

The dehydration myth

Yes, runners need water, and yes, we

should drink enough of it. But drinking too


water can bemore dangerous than

not drinking enough, as explained below.

Why I think it’s still worth addressing

the point here is that popular wisdom

often lags way behind scientific

research. In fact, the health and fitness

industry is still urging eight or more large

glasses of water a day.

“If you wait till you’re thirsty to drink,”

they say, “it’s too late – you’re already

dehydrated.” They’re dead wrong, as it

turns out. Your body knows best, and

thirst is the mechanism it uses to tell

you when to drink; and that’s as true

for an ordinary day at the office as it

is when you’re out there pounding the


Quoted in, “The

eight glasses a day is totally arbitrary,”

says Susan Yeargin, PhD, assistant

professor of athletic training at the

University of South Carolina. “Everybody,

especially athletes, has different needs.”


We’re born to run, declares TimNoakes,

the acclaimed South African sports

scientist. He argues that our species,

Homo sapiens

, having evolved on

the arid African savannah, is perfectly

designed to run long distances in the


Four main adaptations gave us the

evolutionary edge:



on two feet rather than on the hands

and feet) reduced our exposure to sun

and heat, and made us more effective

runners; our prodigious


capacity kept us cool during exercise;

so does being


; and our


protects us from heat injury by making

sure that we only ever exercise at an

intensity or for a duration that won’t

allow our body temperature to rise to a

dangerous level.

Until the 1950s or so, elite runners

drank according to thirst. In fact, not


at all

during a marathon was

regarded as an ultimate aim! Jim Peters,

perhaps the greatest marathoner of all