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International HR Journal

defines a local-plus package

as one that compensates an employee according to the

salary levels, structure and administrative guidelines of

the host location, as well as providing themwith limited

“expatriate-type” benefits such as transportation,

housing and dependants’ education, in recognition

of the employee’s “foreign” status.

here, on local terms and conditions, and forgoing many of

the benefits and allowances they once might have recieved.

Why do expats agree to localise? For many, it’s a

deliberate decision taken in the best interests of the family,

especially when faced with a company policy that requires the

localisation of an expat who wishes to stay on in Singapore

at the end of an assignment contract. KPMG’s

2013 Global

Assignment Policies and Practices Report

estimates that

approximately 30 percent of companies have such policies

in place.

Localisation often makes sense for families who appreciate

Singapore as a safe environment to raise children, and a

convenient base for expats in a regional role requiring constant

business travel. Others have no choice. As the international

labour market hots up, and the need for international work

experience becomes essential for “lifetime employability”

and “external marketability”, many expats and their families

are here on local terms because one or both spouses need

Singapore or Asia on their CV.

Whatever the reasons, localised expats live a different life

to their full-package peers. For starters, they fund everything

out of their own pockets: school fees, rent, car, utilities,

and trips home to see family and friends. This often means

forgoing the luxuries other expats may easily afford, including

expensive restaurants, flashy holidays, and even drycleaning

and imported groceries. Their savings may take a dip, their

children may attend local schools, or they may decide to rent

a more affordable home further from the city. Many localised

families also have two parents working in paid employment,

often more out of necessity than desire.

The norm rather than the exception

Not surprisingly, more than three-quarters of companies

globally (including those with Singapore subsidiary offices)

have some form of localisation policy. In 2014, more than half

were transferring employees to localised conditions, up from

46 percent in 2013, according to a study of mobility trends

by Brookfield Global Relocation Services. The main driver is

the need to reduce expenses for international assignments

in response to difficult economic conditions.

But this doesn’t mean that all expats go willingly into

localisation, or that companies necessarily reap the benefits.

A recent study published in

Journal of World Business


that localisation has many unforeseen opportunity costs for

companies, the biggest being the loss of talent to competitors.

Localised expats are free to job-hop and look for better

employment deals, because of reduced financial ties binding

them to their employers.

To counter the avalanche of lost talent and employee

resistance to localisation, about 27 per cent of companies

use “local-plus” packages over a transfer period of up to two

years. This softens the blow of localisation, giving expats time

to manage their finances and adjust their spending habits.

Companies are also savvy in knowing whom they can

localise. Typically, younger employees climbing the corporate

ladder need less enticement than senior employees in their

What to consider

Localisation is viewed as a permanent one-way transfer,

where the company has no obligation to provide or to

assist with repatriation to a home country or to re-assign

an expat to another international location. It is entirely the

employee’s responsibility to organise and fund any such move.

Localisation means that expats are not supported or

valued by a company in the same way as full-package

expats, typically receiving no training and fewer perks,

and having a lower status overall. This can leave an expat

feeling in limbo, neither a true local nor a real expat. A

hierarchical pecking order tends to exist too, and many

localised expats feel like lower-order employees, especially

in cases where their expat colleagues are more handsomely

rewarded for doing exactly the same job.

Localisation occurs in two ways. An increasing number

of expats relocate to Singapore as localised employees

from the start, with just a base salary and no perks or

benefits. Others arrive on a full package and later switch to

localised employment. Some companies do this by winding

back benefits incrementally over a one- or two-year period as

outlined in the employment contract, but the majority of

companies tend to localise almost immediately, giving their

expat employees little time to plan and budget ahead.

late 40s and early 50s who are more likely to be drawn to a

large package with benefits.

The big picture

An obvious downside of localisation is the negative impact

on the household budget. Conversely, many localised expats

love this way of life. The biggest benefit is the freedom to own

their careers, to relocate when it suits them rather than the

company, to job-hop into better opportunities at will, and to

decide when and how to spend their salary.

Either way, it’s clear that localisation is here to stay.

It helps companies maximise talent management while

containing costs – a strategy that is likely to dominate the

expat employment scene for years to come. What remains

important for expats is to leverage the opportunities that

localised employment brings, and to keep in mind that short-

term financial pain can often bring long-term international

career gain.