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By Amy Brook-Partridge


What is…

Learning tobreastfeedyour newborn

baby can be one of themost uplifting

and bonding experiences of being a

newmum. Conversely, it can be one

of themost stressful. One reason put

forward for why some babies have

difficulty feeding is “tongue-tie”.

We asked Mother & Child lactation

consultant JANI COMBRINK all

about it.

What is tongue-tie in babies, and

why do some babies get it?

The tongue of an infant plays an important

role in breastfeeding. When a baby is

born with a tongue-tie (medical term:

ankyloglossia), the frenulum (themembrane

that attaches the tongue to the floor of the

mouth) is abnormally short, tight or thick.

This can impede themovement and function

of the tongue, especially when attempting

to breastfeed.

Some studies say 11 percent of babies

are born with ankyloglossia; others put the

figure at between two and to five percent.

It’s a congenital condition – something

you’re born with. In most cases, one or

more family members have a similar


How can you tell whether your baby

has a tongue-tie?

If a baby cannot extend the tongue

beyond the lower gum ridge, or it has a

heart-shaped tip, it may be a tongue-tie. If

a mother has sore nipples, supply issues,

problems getting her baby to latch after

the first week (despite receiving help), or if

the baby isn’t gaining weight well or feeds

continuously, has reflux, colic, spends a lot

of time crying at the breast, or clicks when

swallowing while breastfeeding, it may be

worth asking your lactation consultant to

check for a tongue-tie.

Unfortunately, not all tongue-ties are

obvious, and some cannot be seen without

doing a full oral examination. This is not

painful for the baby, and doesn’t last long.

It’s done with a gloved finger, to assess

the anatomy, appearance, functionality

and movement of the tongue. There are

several grades of tongue-tie, and some

do not require surgical treatment – other

measures can be used to help keep the

frenulum elastic and functioning properly.

How can it affect breastfeeding, and

are there any other issues that can


Tongue-tie may prevent the baby from

taking enough breast tissue into its mouth

to form a teat, which can cause painful,

cracked or bleeding nipples, too-frequent

feeding and poor infant weight gain; some

babies develop reflux and or colic, and are