Everything you need to feel good
Already a success in Hong Kong and London, popular
personal training gym, Ultimate Performance (UP), has opened
the doors to its brand new, 7,000-square-foot space in our own
CBD. Choose from one-on-one personal training and group
sessions by both international and local trainers, who’ve all
been trained in the methodology of UP founder and fitness
guru, Nick Mitchell. 20 Cecil Street, Level 3, Equity Plaza. For
details, email
sg@upfitness.com orvisit
Scared of flying? You’re not alone. Although
commercial aviation is now safer than ever, many
remain fearful of flying, with symptoms ranging
from uneasiness to terror and an inability to step
foot on a plane. This anxiety, however, often stems
from not understanding how an aircraft actually
functions. Which is why
The Hypnosis Clinic
Novena Medical Centre
offers a Joy of Flying
course to help panicked passengers get over their
phobias. Run by clinical hypnotherapist Jonathan
Garside-Atkinson, who’s also a certified commercial
pilot with thousands of hours of flying experience,
the one-on-one course includes two sessions
of hypnosis, a personalised, self-hypnosis MP3
recording and a briefing on air travel, as well as 60
minutes in a real Boeing 737 flight simulator, with
you at the controls. For a free consultation, call
6397 6073 or visit
Fly Your Fears Away
In line with its holistic approach focused on Asian therapies,
COMO Shambhala Urban Escape
has launched a new
programme based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The
wellness sanctuary’s new resident consultant, Mark Chern – a
Chinese physician specialising in reproductive health and
perinatal support – offers perinatal “happy baby sessions”,
herbal blending and an integrative table technique that
combines acupuncture, cupping, guasha and bodywork; these
treatments are tailored to the needs of each individual woman.
Also new is COMO’s 60-minute traditional yin yoga class,
led by a TCM physician, which provides the restorative
benefits of yoga while also achieving the same overall effect
as acupuncture. Yin yoga is a more meditative, slower-paced
style involving floor postures that are held for longer periods
of time, sometimes up to five minutes. The poses apply
moderate stress to the connective tissues to increase
circulation, enhance flexibility and improve the
flow of
– the energy that, according
to TCM, is said to run through the
meridian pathways of the body,
improving organ health,
immunity and emotional
wellbeing. For more details, visit